The Official Blog of Smart Aleck Comedy

If you are someone with an open mind and a sense of humor, then please keep reading. If you are somehow disturbed by sarcasm, irony, and a level of satire that would make Jonathan Swift blush, then S-T-O-P reading and go watch The O'Reilly Factor.

Some common topics of this blog include popular culture, politics, current events, The Batman, and anything that is inherently funny or deserves to be laughed at. Updated whenever we're not being chased by Velociraptors - which happens more often than you'd think.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

European Journal 1

I am currently writing this blog post on a bus, that's right...I'm on a bus.

It's something like this:

The only difference being no water - AT ALL! A three hour bus ride with NO DAMN WATER! Normally I wouldn't complain as much, but let me explain why I need water as much as Kanye West needs vocal lessons.

I stayed up all night last night to finish a paper at the last possible minute, and I had 1 1/2 weeks to do it. Now, I know what you're thinking:

"Gee, uh, you must be as stupid as that last guy the U.S. elected to office."

But no, I'm not Dustin Hoffman in Rain Man. I just...rediscovered how awesome old cartoons like the Justice League and Batman: The Animated Series are. They're not some retarded talking yellow sponge that flips delicious krabby patties, they're cartoons with a plot that adults can also enjoy. Not only that, but they also teach kids the difference between right and wrong, and that it's okay to stand up for what's right - especially if you have a Green Power Ring (just watch out for yellow).

But yeah, I did watch cartoons instead of doing my papers for 1 1/2 weeks. So I stayed up the night before and did it. Thus, I did not get any sleep the night before this long bus ride.

But wait, it gets better.

On the way to the bus station I realized I forgot my computer and plane tickets, and ran back to get them.

After running back to my flat with my heavy camping backpack on I realize I must run all the way back to Eyre Square - a distance that is usually a fifteen minute walk for me. Let me tell you though, most EPIC run of my life.

With the adrenaline surging through my veins, headphones around my neck blaring "Cage the Elephant," and all my luggage on my back, I ran to Eyre Square in the blistering sunlight and made barely made it in time.

Best start to a vacation ever!!!

Also: WWBMD?

Think about it...what does it mean?

The first person who guesses and posts on this blog what "WWBMD" means, will get a special mention in my next blog post.


  1. What Would BatMan Do?

    :):) Yes, I am awake at 4:30, reading your blog. It's how I roll...

  2. I don't like Spongebob AT ALL, but it also tries to teach right from wrong (in a less epic and more annoying manner).

    Although, I also love (*sarcasm sarcasm*) how Spongebob teaches children that it's fun to work at fast-food restaurants... I guess we gotta get 'em at an early age so they don't bitch about their poorly-paid, meaningless, dead-end jobs later in life.

  3. Damn, I was beaten to it. 'S what I get for not reading consistently. Clearly it's Batman, because we all should emulate his quasi-anarchic vigilante-style justice enactment :D
    No really, I love Batman. A lot.

  4. you know what Batman would do? he would stay Bruce Wayne and use his charm to woo a nice lady and she would aid him on his mission, and oh, no sleeping at terminals, she has a place in the city, and oh yeah she's got connections.After a night of passion she would assure him he would make his connecting route but whoops she wasn't who he thought she was and a sexy fight ensues, but to no avail the B-man kicks her ass and hops a boat and gets to Amsterdam and is welcomed by some hipsters that like rock-climbing and hotjazz music...

  5. Yeah...that's technically what Batman would have done. Sadly, I have a ways to go before I get to the level of awesomeness that Batman is at.

    And a few billion dollars as well.
